Located in Chadayamangalam in Kollam district of Kerala, India , the sculpture of Jatayu is the world’s largest bird sculpture. Jayakrishnan V M IAS Art Design and…
The floating bridge in China is located in the city of Enshi, among the lush greenery of Shiziguan. A floating bridge was built…
The Dolmen of Guadalperal, also known as the Treasure of Guadalperal and as the Spanish Stonehenge for its resemblance to the English Stonehenge,…
Butterflies are popular tattoo designs, and it is easy to understand why. Butterfly wings are among the best images of feminine beauty. They…
There is an interesting world of body art where people show how courageous, strong, and resilient they are by getting tattoos that are…
The “entity,” he claims, was bipedal and approached the American astronauts, engaging in a conversation that lasted a minute and several seconds. Clark…
TD-02 In the vast universe, black holes are always one of the most mysterious and fascinating phenomena for humans. With extremely strong attraction,…
Explore the mysteries of the ancient world with this UFO and Pyramid of Giza illustration, an abstract pyramid artwork that combines elements of…
Mick Brown recently discovered a 2.7 kg gold nugget near Wedderburn, Victoria, setting up an exрɩoѕіoп similar to that of a cosmic gold…
Prepare to be astounded! The largest gold nugget ever discovered on eагtһ has left people around the world giddy with exсіtemeпt. Come along…